Маркетолог/Бренд-менеджер (Американская компания)

Array ( [_job_location] => Array ( [0] => От 2 000 $ До 3 000 $ ) [_application] => Array ( [0] => https://hh.ru/vacancy/89152086 ) [_company_name] => Array ( [0] => GORA GROUP LLC ) [adressgeod] => Array ( [0] => ) [_company_tagline] => Array ( [0] => GORA Group is a team of marketing, creative and financial professionals in the eCommerce space dedicated to launching and scaling supplement brands to full specter well-known brands. Our group of companies are specializing in the following areas: 1. Launching and scaling brands on Amazon 2. In depth Amazon brand valuation services for VC funds and private investors 3. End-to-end fulfillment and product sourcing 4. End-to-end Marketing Agency for eCommerce brands GORA Group has a unique combination of in-depth marketing, financial and management experts which creates a synergy that allows GORA Group to rapidly scale its business while effectively managing the group of companies. In 12 months our team was able to go from $36,000 to $680,000 monthly revenue (as of March 8 2022) across four business units, which is a multiple of 18x. 90% of the revenue comes from the 6 supplements brands that GORA owns. Our strategy is to aggressively win the market share through providing premium quality, unique design and implementing creative low-cost / high value-add marketing strategies that make products stand out and go viral. GORA Group was established in 2021 by its 3 partners when they decided to merge forces and combine over 15 years of experience in marketing, finance and business operations. At present GORA group is working towards preparing the team and the group as a whole to raise $20 mm round for its investment fund that it will utilize though buying existing Amazon and eCommerce brands with $2 mm to $5 mm in revenue to win more market share and widen geographical presence with a 3-5 year exit strategy. ) [_id_hh] => Array ( [0] => hh::89152086 ) [_id_api] => Array ( [0] => 178901 ) [rmp_vote_count] => Array ( [0] => 25 ) [rmp_avg_rating] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) [contacts_company] => Array ( [0] => a:0:{} ) [_company_website] => Array ( [0] => ) [mihdan_index_now_last_update] => Array ( [0] => 1699391946 ) [xyz_smap] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [xyz_smap_insert_og] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [coderun_vk_url_post] => Array ( [0] => https://vk.com/club109537650?w=wall-109537650_3222 ) [_eb_reusable_block_ids] => Array ( [0] => a:0:{} ) [rank_math_internal_links_processed] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_filled] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [_featured] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [_thumbnail_id] => Array ( [0] => 117136 ) [post_views] => Array ( [0] => 86 ) ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 41 [name] => Маркетинг [slug] => marketing [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 41 [taxonomy] => job_listing_type [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 20195 [filter] => raw ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 2198 [name] => Удаленная работа [slug] => udalennaya-rabota [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 2198 [taxonomy] => job_listing_type [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 10026 [filter] => raw ) )


GORA Group is a team of marketing, creative and financial professionals in the eCommerce space dedicated to launching and scaling supplement brands to full specter well-known brands. Our group of companies are specializing in the following areas: 1. Launching and scaling brands on Amazon 2. In depth Amazon brand valuation services for VC funds and private investors 3. End-to-end fulfillment and product sourcing 4. End-to-end Marketing Agency for eCommerce brands GORA Group has a unique combination of in-depth marketing, financial and management experts which creates a synergy that allows GORA Group to rapidly scale its business while effectively managing the group of companies. In 12 months our team was able to go from $36,000 to $680,000 monthly revenue (as of March 8 2022) across four business units, which is a multiple of 18x. 90% of the revenue comes from the 6 supplements brands that GORA owns. Our strategy is to aggressively win the market share through providing premium quality, unique design and implementing creative low-cost / high value-add marketing strategies that make products stand out and go viral. GORA Group was established in 2021 by its 3 partners when they decided to merge forces and combine over 15 years of experience in marketing, finance and business operations. At present GORA group is working towards preparing the team and the group as a whole to raise $20 mm round for its investment fund that it will utilize though buying existing Amazon and eCommerce brands with $2 mm to $5 mm in revenue to win more market share and widen geographical presence with a 3-5 year exit strategy.


Привет, кандидат!

GORA Group – динамичная, инновационная и успешно развивающаяся компания в США, специализирующаяся на производстве и продаже БАДов на популярной платформе – Amazon.

Мы расширяемся, развиваемся и планируем расширяться на собственные веб-сайты.

Тебе предстоит вступить в тесное сотрудничество с нашей креативной командой, включая специалистов по рекламе, производством, копирайтеров, дизайнеров и PR-отделом.


  • Разработка и реализация маркетинговых стратегий для различных брендов с учетом их уникального позиционирования.
  • Активная работа по формированию и поддержке образов всех шести брендов.
  • Взаимодействие с отделами SMM, Influencer marketing, дизайна, копирайта, производства и маркетинга на Amazon для каждого из брендов.
  • Анализ и корректировка визуальных креативов и текстовых материалов каждого бренда.
  • Проведение SWOT-анализов, а также исследования рынка, определение портретов покупателей для каждого из брендов.
  • Разработка рекомендаций по улучшению UX/UI для каждого из веб-сайтов брендов.


  • Высшее образование по специальности "Маркетинг" или смежной области.
  • Опыт работы маркетологом не менее 3 лет, предпочтительно в сфере e-commerce и управлении несколькими брендами.
  • Знание особенностей работы на Amazon, особенно модели Private Label.
  • Опыт работы с множественными бренд-стратегиями.
  • Продвинутые навыки работы с аналитическими инструментами.
  • Уровень английского B2 и выше.

Что мы даем:

  • Гибкий график.
  • Удаленную работу в команде профессионалов.
  • Возможность профессионального и карьерного роста в мультибрендовой компании.
  • Конкурентоспособную заработную плату, премии и бонусы.
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